Tag: hacks, leaks, and revelations

How to buy Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations, and how to get it for free

Posted January 9, 2024 in hacks-and-leaks

Today, my book Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data is available for sale wherever books are sold! My goal with this book is to teach journalists, researchers, and activists all the skills they need to download and analyze any datasets they get their hands on, finding all of the juicy revelations they might contain. No prior experience is required. You can think of following along with my book as taking a complete course where you'll download real leaked datasets, and then (by following alongside the exercises) learn the tools and coding required to analyze them.

The paperback costs about $50 and the ebook costs about $40. However, I don't want the price to be a barrier to access to anyone who needs this information. For this reason, I also decided to release the book for free under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. In other words, I'm giving away the book online for free.

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Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data

Posted December 5, 2023 in hacks-and-leaks

After just about two years of writing, hacking, analyzing data, writing some more, and editing, I'm ridiculously excited to announce that I'm now a published author! As of today, my book Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations is for sale.

Technically, the official release date is January 9, 2024, but it ships today if you order it directly from the publisher, No Starch Press (the physical book includes the DRM-free ebook too). If you order it from anywhere else, like bookshop.org to support independent bookshops, or Amazon if you want the Kindle version, it will be available January 9.

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CASE STUDY: Extracting data from ADL's "Antisemitic Incidents and Anti-Israel Rallies" map

Posted November 13, 2023 in hacks-and-leaks social-justice

On Saturday, I published an article for The Intercept about how the Anti-Defamation League has included dozens of Gaza ceasefire protests that were organized by progressive Jews in its map of "antisemitic incidents and anti-Israel rallies," alongside genuine antisemitic vandalism, harassment, and assault by neo-Nazis.

ADL doesn't publish its raw data, but I managed to get it anyway while doing this reporting. In the spirit of sharing data journalism skills, I will show you exactly how I extracted it from the map.

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Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: Pandemic Profiteers and COVID-19 Disinformation

Posted September 26, 2023 in journalism code hacks-and-leaks

I've spent the last two years writing Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data, a book that teaches journalists, researchers, and hacktivists how to report on leaked datasets! Datasets like these get dumped online literally every day (much of it published by DDoSecrets), but few people have the technical skills to download it and uncover its secrets. I'm hoping to change that.

In August, I gave a talk at the DEF CON 31 Misinformation Village about one of the case studies from my book called Pandemic Profiteers and COVID-19 Disinformation, where I explain in detail how I analyzed hacked data from the anti-vax group America's Frontline Doctors ("the horse paste peddlers" that were "hilariously easy to hack," according to my source). They raked in millions of dollars selling ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, all while telling their supporters that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and convincing them that things like wearing masks during a pandemic was a violation of their rights. My reporting led to a Congressional investigation into them.

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