Twitter Thread: Glenn Greenwald supporting the American fascist movement dressed up as "media criticism"

Twitter Thread: Glenn Greenwald supporting the American fascist movement dressed up as "media criticism"

Background: This is an archived Twitter thread. For more information, read: Elon banned me from Twitter for doing journalism. Good riddance.

Original URL of Twitter thread:

Glenn's only real journalism since Snowden was the Lavo Jato Brazil corruption stories, which I helped make possible for him. Everything else has been supporting the American fascist movement dressed up as "media criticism"

Posted 10:07 AM · May 13, 2021, 615 Retweets, 4,282 Likes

On another note, I recently learned that my reporting on Zoom lying about encryption, which triggered an FTC investigation and caused Zoom to add actual E2EE, is now required reading at UC Berkeley

Posted 10:07 AM · May 13, 2021, 51 Retweets, 642 Likes

The technical Snowden reporting that I'm most proud of, the series on XKEYSCORE, has Glenn's name attached but he didn't actually do any work on it. (Neither did Morgan actually...)

Posted 10:07 AM · May 13, 2021, 57 Retweets, 582 Likes

And with that, I'm gonna log off twitter for a bit ✨

Posted 10:07 AM · May 13, 2021, 2 Retweets, 367 Likes

I tried explaining what's going on to my mom and she said, "Why is Glenn Greenwald so grumpy?"

I don't know, Mom. I don't think anyone knows.

Posted 8:31 AM · May 14, 2021, 25 Retweets, 379 Likes