I’m switching from my old key:
pub 4096R/EBA34B1C 2014-05-08 [expires: 2016-05-05] Key fingerprint = 0B14 9192 9806 5962 5470 0155 FD72 0AD9 EBA3 4B1C uid Micah Lee <micah@micahflee.com> uid Micah Lee <micah@firstlook.org> uid Micah Lee <micah.lee@firstlook.org> uid Micah Lee <micah.lee@theintercept.com> uid Micah Lee <micah@pressfreedomfoundation.org> uid Micah Lee <micah@freedom.press> sub 4096R/64B1D8D1 2014-05-08 [expires: 2016-05-05]
to the following key:
pub 4096R/CD994F73 2015-08-14 [expires: 2016-08-13] Key fingerprint = 927F 419D 7EC8 2C2F 149C 1BD1 403C 2657 CD99 4F73 uid Micah Lee <micah@micahflee.com> uid Micah Lee <micah@freedom.press> uid Micah Lee <micah.lee@theintercept.com> uid Micah Lee <micah@firstlook.org> sub 4096R/5D5F1356 2015-08-14 [expires: 2016-08-13]
Here’s a copy of my new public key, and here’s a key transition statement that I signed with my old key.